Project Hospital Collection Download

Project hospital collection download full

  • Project Hospital Download is a prime theme created by the essential Atomier Oxymoron Games, under which we can manage a hypothetical hospital.
  • Project Hospital Guide Do it better than Obamacare. The Project Hospital guide is a collection of the best tips for this extremely complex strategy game. You will learn here how to manage the staff, which rooms / wards are the most important and how to care for patients and departments.
  • Project Hospital forum. Here you can discuss anything about the game: features, bugs, upcoming updates, etc.
  • Hospital Management System is a web application for the hospital which manages doctors and patients. In this project, we use PHP and MySQL database. The entire project mainly consists of 3 modules, which are.
We're happy to announce Project Hospital 1.1, a major update with some of the most requested features, user experience improvements and Workshop support!
This update contains roughly four months of work, already in production during the last two patches - because of the nature of the new features and content it made sense to test and balance everything together.
We really hope you enjoy the new version and we're looking forward to what you come up with for the workshop!
So, thanks for your patience, let's move to the release notes
Project Hospital 1.1.16207
Custom content support update
- Improved mod support for creating graphical assets
- Creating scenarios in game
- [Steam Workshop] Sharing mods
- [Steam Workshop] Sharing scenarios
'First impressions' update
- Improved menus
- Loading tips
- Preview screenshots and more info about saved games
- Video background in main menu
- Custom UI scale now works also in main menu (title screen)
- New workspace panels in management
- Updated management interface with new shared rooms category
- New hiring UI with more categories (**don't forget to click on individual workspaces to open hiring card!**), indication of required specializations for all professions
- Department statistics with room workloads, prestige, patient details and procedure info
- Polished hospital statistics, added yesterday's statistics panel
- Tooltips for symptoms in table of diagnoses
- More keyboard shortcuts (departments mapped to 1-9, DEL for bulldozer tool, ...)
- Cleaned up buttons in tool panels in building mode
- Notifications have configurable colors
- A couple of new notifications on the main panel for trying to hire characters to a room they're not allowed
- More info about why an ambulance can't be placed (for example on an above-the ground floor, this was surprisingly easy to miss)
- Exam units show patient portraits when a procedure is running there
- Added info about required hospitalization to surgery tooltips
- (Plus a lot of small quality-of-life improvements in the UI)
- New insurance company objectives and rewards (more varied and hopefully more fun, more challenging in the late game - for example performing surgeries, saving patients after collapses)
- New laboratories department shared between other departments (Hematology, Histology and Microbiology labs with some new equipment)
- Sharing more rooms, for example sharing common rooms between departments for free time and staff lunch
- Added maximum number of insurance companies contracted at once, balanced to send similar numbers of patients as the original insurance companies
- Smooth ranges of patient numbers sent by insurance companies according to prestige
- Random events
- Improved rules for making events available after unlocking, all departments are no more needed
- Added detection that patient's doctor doesn't have diagnostics role allowed
- Night clinic
- Patients leave after not being seen for too long, not only when clinic closes
- Implemented moving patients waiting at reception to a waiting room if shifts have changed and there's no receptionist
- Releasing patients from observation back to clinic if they're not at risk anymore, added a couple of notifications
- Receptionist is a proper employee role now
- Improved rules for which roles are available where (anesthesiology, reception)
- Staff limit can be increased to 400 in options (only attempt this if you have at least the recommended hardware)
- Staff counter on main panel blinks when trying to hire an employee and the employee limit has been reached
- Improved visual side of characters entering/exiting elevators (timing, fade in, fixed overlapping)
- Improved handling of priorities on Trauma and Observation
- Implemented specific detection of procedures not available to be prescribed at a certain department (not only when a specific doctor doesn't have the required skill)
- New notification for not enough stretchers to transport all patients at a department
- Idle characters without workspace now show it as their status in their card
- Updated tutorials and dependency tree visualization to match updated mechanics
- Disabled releasing patients during the night, they'll wait for the morning
- Implemented leveling up anesthesiology also by resuscitating collapsed patients
- If a patient dies, this counts in statistics of the department where their diagnosis belongs, not ICU where they usually end up after a collapse
- Disabled department change to radiology for nurses and doctors
- Rooms in management mode can be used as a planning tool (before constructing foundations)
- Move room tool (available under prefabs)
- Automatically hiding objects when building/deleting walls
- When placing a prefab that will add foundations underneath, the visualization is now consistent with using the foundations tool
- A new notification on the main panel for 'out of funds'
- More colors for doors
- Fixed planned procedures not cancelled if one of the reserved employees gets fired
- Fixed few issues with closing departments (for example janitors currently in a bathroom wouldn't return their carts)
- Fixed missing department state update when switching certain roles
- Fixed janitor's portraits sometimes incorrectly showing up in management mode in rooms they're cleaning
- Fixed broken layout of symptoms panel in patient's card in case there's more than 16 symptoms
- Fixed dirty environment satisfaction modifier applied to characters way too late
- Fixed portraits of patients shown above lab equipment rendered also on incorrect floors
- Fixed wrong floor type applied when destroying foundations on above-the-ground floors
- Fixed radiologist's too impatient behavior when idle
- Fixed patients going to their department's waiting room even if another department's lab is processing their sample
- Fixed patients without planned examinations slowing down waiting rooms by waiting for their original doctor
- Fixed table of employees stuck with wrong filter in a couple of cases
- Fixed lab procedures sometimes stuck in the 'sampling finished' state for hospitalized patients
- Fixed a couple of treatments not available at ICU
- Fixed bladder not kept reset for immobile HDU patients
- Fixed a couple of hidden errors in specific procedures
- Fixed collapse script sometimes selecting doctors according to incorrect hospitalization type
- Fixed tables errorong out on invalid data when opened while another save was being loaded
- Fixed url on the bug reporting button in main menu (was using the wrong top level domain after changes on forumotion's side)
- Fixed 'no workspace' notification popping up for fired employees
- Fixed automatic switch to new automatically created departments (this would affect old saves where the lab department gets automatically created)
- Fixed sinks allowed to be placed on bins but then immediately deleted
- Fixed popups blinking when pressing escape
- Fixed total satisfaction not recalculated when patients respawn for their second visit, fixed satisfaction not always updated when modifiers get reset
- Fixed reserved tiles allowed to be selected to be cleaned by janitors (so they don't wipe collapsed patients)
- Fixed examination availability not updated when AI switches (hospitalized) patient's department
- Fixed an error if a patient is sent away while the paramedic who originally brought them is still walking through the hospital
- Fixed rotation of multiple rooms in prefabs
- Fixed examination list in patient card not updated if a department that provides some of the procedures gets closed
- Fixed radiologists not showing patient and examination in their card when running examinations on clinic patients
- Fixed bladder/food scripts cancelled when cancelling planned treatments when patient is filling needs
- Fixed popups previously moved by the player appearing on top of ingame menu, fixed menu not opened by escape if a popup is active

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Nov 8, 2018

Many questions in the discusions thread is about How to make a profit, or My next objective is to treat XX number of patients but I only get XX Patients. The answers of these questions (and many more) you will find here.Project hospital game free download
Other Project Hospital Guides:
  • 100% Achievement Guide (How to Unlock All).
  • Gameplay Tips and Tricks.
  • Money Cheat.

Project Hospital Game Free Download

Things to Know Before You Start

The game is mainly a management simulator. You can treat patients your self, but you can only follow 12 patients. The purpose is to get the automatic treatment of patients so efficient posible.
You earn patients by healing patients. This means you get paid by treatment and not by Examination. So ordering a lot of examinations will not mean that you earn more money. Its just a waist of staff and resources.
Your patients and staff will have needs. Most common needs are Toilets, food, drink , not being bored etc. The more you meet the needs of your patients and staff the more prestige you will get.
Prestige is very important in this game. With a good prestige you will earn 20% more. You will need this profit. Prestige depends on various things. Most important is the happyness of patients and staff. However the number of non-treated patients seems to have only litle influence on prestige. We will talk about prestige further on in this guide.

Start Building

I start with making a building plan. I use for it an extern program. As a beginner you will not know what you need exactly so you can skip this step. It will only mean that you will have to rebuild parts of your hospital. I start building at the middle of the map. Look first at your road and look for the yellow square. This is where the ambulances will stop to unload patients. You will want your emergency hospitalization department close to that spot. Don't worry about that too much at the moment, just keep space there for your Emergency hospitalization department.
I start building somewhere in the middle of the field. I always use the big map, so I don't have to worry about space.
Start with the Emergency department. Build 2 doctor offices, a waiting room , a restroom , a common room and a cleaning closet. A reception isn't needed at the moment but it looks nice. Place some plants and posters in your rooms, this will give you some higher prestige. (Nice enveronement and avoid boredom). In the waiting room I place a vending machine and a watercooler (to take care of needs of patients) In the restrooms I place sinks, mirrors, dryers and trash bins.
In the doctors ofice I place a watercooler. This will avoid that the doctor will leave the room to take a drink. This will save time for the doctor and within the saved time he treat more patients.
Asign every space within your building, even coridors to the emergency department. Not asigning coridors to a department will cause that they will not be cleaned as much as you want.
Connect the entrence to your building with the pavement of the road.
Hire 2 doctors. and start playing.

The Follow Up

After the first day, you want to hire a janitor. Hiring it the first day, makes litle sense as there will be nothing to clean.
Watch your doctors. Treat some patients your self to get to know the diagnose and treatment system (and for fun). If needed build an extra doctors office. If the requirements asks you build a stat lab.
Build a waiting room a doctors office and a common room for your General Surgery departments. At this moment a restroom and a cleaning closet are not needed. Patients and staff also uses restrooms of other departments and janitors also clean other departments.Torrent
After building these you can contract the next insurrance company for another 10 patients.

Other Departments

While its not very clear in the game. You can build the clinics for the other departments. Just build for each departments a doctors office , a waiting room and a common room. at this moment you don't have to build restrooms, receptions, cleaning closets and labs for each department. Just take care that there are enough restrooms in your building and if they are placed throughout yout building. (You don't want too long traveltimes.)
After you have build thewaiting room and a doctors ofice you can hire a doctor for that department. After hiring a doctor you can contract the insurrance company for an extra 10 patients.
Labs are expensive. So I wouldn't advice you to build labs for each department yet. If you need a lab examination just transfer the patient to the Emergency department.
Radiology isn't at the start very important. And it costs a lot of money. Just build it just before (or after) the orthopaedy department.
After you have build the doctors office and the waiting room for a department and you have hired a doctor for it, you can activate an extra insurance company.
After general surgery I would advice you to start with Cardiology and Neurology as these insurrance companies have the highest payout. (up to (about) 50% as the first insurrance company.
Important: Hospitalization departments costs a lot of money to build. Also your minimum staff costs also quite a lot. If you start too soon with the hospitalization departments you will not have enough patients to make a profit out of it. I would advice you , not to start any hospitalization department before you have unlocked all clinical departments and insurrance companies.


As written in the last section. It is very important not to start a hospitalization department too soon. I strongly advice you to unlock first all clinical departments. Remember that its almost imposible to make a loss with your clinics, while its very easy to loose money if you start hospitalization too early.
Before starting hospitalization on a department, you might want to have a lab on this department. Otherwise it will be a lot of manual work to transfer patients between departments for lab examinations.
Surgeries are your moneymaker on hospitalization. You want as much of surgeries during your day shift as posible. You can asign your surgion and Anesthesiology to do only surgeries. I would advice you to use this function. Remember when one person needed for surgery is busy with something else it can block four other staff members.

Project Hospital Collection Download Full

At the start of hospitalization I begin with 4 nurses and 4 doctors on the day time shift and 1 doctor and 1 nurse at night. If you start night surgery please note that you will need 3 nurses at least. You need 2 nurses for the surgery and 1 nurse to transport the patient. If you have only 2 nurses your staff will be reserved for the surgery, but the surgery will never start.


Project Hospital Collection Download Torrent

The interest rates of loans are very high. So don't use them if you don't have too. I only used loans while I was litle short of money when finishing a department.
So only take out loans when you are sure that you can pay them back in a few days.


Prestige is very important. If you have a high enough prestige level you will get a 20% bonus payout on your treatments. Often this means the difference between profit and loss.
You can influence prestige very easy:
  • Take care of your staff and patients.
  • Have enough vending machines and watercoolers.
  • Have enough restrooms (with sinks).
  • Have at least one common rooms for each department.
  • Place plants and posters through out your building.
  • Don't use the cheap beds with hospitalization, use the modern beds.
  • Set a head of department, if posible someone with the good boss perk.

% non-treated seems to have litle influence on your prestige. So if an diagnose seems to take a long time (For example because you have to find only one symptome and you still have pages of posible diagnoses) don't be afraid to send the patient home. In the same time you can treat multiple patients on which you can earn money.

Other Pointers

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Before building up, you might want to finish your first floor. Adding a new floor is for free. However adapting one costs money. So before going up, give your first floor tiles, windows etc. You can copy these things for free to your next floor.

To Long to Read

  • Start with opening all the clinical departments. Just build the waitingroom and doctors office. Hire a doctor. After that you can contract the next insurrance company for the next 10 patients.
  • Be carefull with loans. Interest rates are very high.
  • Take care of your prestige. If high enough you will earn 20% more money.
  • Don't start hospitalization too early. If you start it too early, you will loose money on it.

Recommended for You:
  • All Project Hospital Guides!

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