We Were Here Too Download

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This is the kind of book we all long for, one to read and savor, and then read again.' —New York Times bestselling author Karen White 'I have been a fan of Oakley since her debut novel, but with this book, she has risen to a new level. You Were There Too took me through the gamut of emotions-confusion, anticipation, grief, hope. We Were Here Too is an online co-op puzzle game. Enter a mysterious castle and unlock the secrets of each room by communicating with your partner. Based around teamwork and description, We Were Here Too is an interesting take on the puzzle game genre. The We Were Here series began with the free release of We Were Here, playable on Steam. We Were Here Too was the first commercial release, bringing more puzzles and revealing more backstory about Castle Rock. The third game in the series, We Were Here Together, challenges players to explore the expedition base camp along with Antarctic valleys.

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Release Date2/2/2018
GenresAdventure, Indie
PublisherTotal Mayhem Games
Online Co-op
Cross-Platform Multi-player
Partial Controller Support
Simplified Chinese
Traditional Chinese


We Were Here Too is an online first-person cooperative adventure set in a fictional medieval castle. A new standalone entry in the We Were Here series, We Were Here Too is all about cooperative discovery, immersion and teamwork through communication. You and a partner must solve puzzles through smart communication and observation. Trapped in different parts of an ancient castle, only your walkie-talkies will allow you to figure out how to escape.
This game requires both players to have a working PC-compatible microphone.
As your final hour approaches, a large structure looms up in the distance - towering above the relentless storm. With nowhere else to go, you decide to enter this mysterious place, only to find yourself trapped inside… Will you be able to find a way out?
Cooperative – Your voice will have to lead the way. Placed in the shoes of two explorers, lost in a castle frozen in time, the only possession you have left is a walkie-talkie.
Immersive – The warmth of life abandoned the halls of Castle Rock long ago Immerse yourself in a thrilling experience as you and your partner puzzle your way through this abandoned fortress. Lose yourself in brand new environments and an original soundtrack.
Mysterious – We were not alone... Darkness took over these once magnificent halls. Can you discover the truth behind the grim fate of Castle Rock?


  • Challenging communication-based teamwork – Play the game with friends or make new ones through a new and improved server browser system.
  • Communication-based teamwork – Act as each other’s eyes and ears, work together to find a way out of the castle.
  • Asymmetrical roles – Both players experience different locations and storylines as part of a shared adventure.
  • Brainteasing puzzles and environments - Multiple puzzle solutions ensure no playthrough will be the same!
  • Ancient secrets – There are many hidden corners to be discovered within Castle Rock.
  • A dark, twisted mystery - What are you willing to sacrifice to gain your freedom… or uncover the truth?


MinimumSupportedMac OS X10.11Download the MacGameStore App to compare your Mac's information in real-time.
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CPU TypeIntel Mac Only
CPU SpeedAny
Drive Space5 GB
Video CardAny
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We Were Here Too Free Download

About a year ago, indie developer Total Mayhem Games released free-to-play puzzle game We Were Here. Now you can try out the sequel, titled We Were Here Too, which offers a more advanced co-op puzzle experience for two players.

The task is to find the way out of the castle by solving various puzzles from a perspective of a Lord and his Peasant. If you can't find the solution to some of the puzzles and don't want to waste more time on them, then simply follow the guide from the Lord's perspective below for all the info you need.

Room 1 Puzzle Solutions

In order to leave the castle, you will have to pull the levers locked behind the doors in each room. In order to unlock the lever door in the first room as a Lord, you need to give your Peasant information about the three symbols, which you can find under the floor behind the bars.

As soon as your Peasant figures out the three symbols on his side of the castle, the door to the lever will be unlocked. Go inside and pull the first lever.

Then, look around and check another three symbols above the coffins in the same room, and give them to your Peasant. This will unlock the door to the next room.

Room 2 Puzzle Solutions

There are three puzzles in Room 2. The first one is a book with candles in the middle of the room. Walk up to it and describe the order of the candles to your Peasant, who has to light up the candles in that order on his side.

When your Peasant is done, the symbols on the banners in the room will start to glow. Describe them to your partner so he can solve them on his side. This will open the lever door in the second room, so go ahead and switch it on.

Then, go behind the book with the candles and tell your Peasant the order of the symbols from left to right. It works like a compass, so this should be relatively easy.

Lastly, you will have to go through a series of chambers that hold wooden cubes with triangular signs on them. Your partner needs to tell you the position of these cubes, which you then need to place on an altar in each chamber.

As soon as you open all of them, the puzzle will be solved, and the door to the next room will be unlocked.

Room 3 Puzzle Solutions

In the third room, the lever is located right in front as you enter the first hallway. Then, go further into the room and look at the knights holding weapons and shields at the walls, and describe them and the symbols above them to your partner. This will unlock the gates to the next room.

Room 4 Puzzle Solutions

The last lever can be found at the entrance of the room four to your right. Then, walk up to a wall with radiant stained-glass pictures. Describe them to a Peasant and their order.

After that, go to your left and walk up to a table with the chess-like game, which will become active after your partner manages to solve the previous puzzle.

Here you need to work with a Peasant, who must tell you how to move the pawn safely around the board. Just follow the instructions and you will eventually figure it out. As you progress, you will hear characteristic sound cues.

When the chess board drops, the door will open -- go through it and you will see your partner from a balcony in some sort of a maze. Give him/her directions on how to leave the maze as quickly as possible.

Room 5 Puzzle Solutions

Here you also need to work with your partner to switch the wheels with symbols on both sides of the gate that separates you two.

When symbols on both sides align, the gate will open. Go to the other side of the gate, unlock the room with the lever using the same combination as the gates, and switch it on.

Room 6 Puzzle Solutions

Finally, you can leave the castle via an elevator. But you need to switch on the rest of the levers:

  • one is located in the room to your left as you enter the elevator chamber
  • another one is at the top floor near the exit
  • the third one is at the bottom of the shaft, so drop on the roof of the elevator and you will be able to see it as you descend

In the end, use the elevator and go back up to the top floor, where you will see the open gateway to freedom.


We Were Here Too Download

If you can't find all the levers, then one of you has to stay and let the other one go by steering the wheel at the bottom of the elevator shaft. But hopefully you will manage to switch all the levers.

Come back soon for more We Were Here Too guides at GameSkinny!